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What is Next Steps for Leaders?


“Follow Me,” those were the words the disciples heard when Jesus recruited His twelve. We cannot follow Jesus and stay where we are. Jesus wants to take us on a journey, the ride of our life. That’s what the words, “Follow Me” are all about. If we’re going to go on a journey with Jesus, that journey is going to require each of us to move - to take a step. 


At A Church Called Home, we are committed to helping everyone grow, including our leaders. Proverbs 20:5 says, "Purpose in the heart of someone is like a deep well of water, but a person of understanding knows how to draw it out.We want to reach into every leader's heart and pull purpose to the surface. That’s why we created Next Steps for Leaders. There are four steps we want to see every leader take, and as you attend our Next Steps for Leaders gathering, you will discover what those steps are.


Another vital component of our Next Steps for Leaders is our coaching support system. As leaders begin taking their Next Steps, a coach will be assigned to them. Our coaches are there to pray for leaders, connect with leaders regularly, to develop a relationship with them, and encourage them as they move forward. 


To RSVP for one of our upcoming Next Steps, click the link corresponding with the date of your choice. We'll see you there.  



March 3


March 17


April 7


May 5


May 19







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