Pastor Jason became a Jesus follower at age 19. He has 19 years of pastoral experience serving on staff at four churches in the area of student ministries. In 2012, Jason and his wife Melissa relocated to Knoxville, TN to launch A Church Called Home. He is the author of New.U, Navigate, S-Words Pray Like You Mean It, Gaining Spiritual Leverage and Simplify. Jason and Melissa have two children, Tori and Chaz.
Jason is the founder of Mirror-Mirror Inc., a nonprofit that hosts events in public schools throughout the country, speaking to over 63,000 students. Mirror-Mirror partners with businesses and colleges to equip young people for success. Because of faithful sponsors, the organization has given over $4 million in college scholarships, awarded students with over $11,000 in new clothing, and granted one hard working student with a new car.