In 2020 our church started a campaign called Signs of Hope. The mission is simple: flood our city with hope. Find little ways to infuse hope whenever and wherever possible. Well this year, we are collecting school supplies to help teachers from two schools in our backdoor. If you work in the educational system, then you know these are challenging times. But we believe these boxes will become burning bushes to every teacher within those schools, a reminder that God loves them, and that there’s a church in their community that’s praying for them.
So, for the next few weeks we’re asking you to donate supplies. On Serve Day we will be boxing the supplies in personalized boxes and distributing them to teachers when they return to school. Thank you for your participation.
Teacher’s Supply List
Dry Erase Markers
Mr. Sketch Scented Markers
Sticky Post it Notes
White and colored card stock
Command Hooks
Ziplock Bags – All sizes
Scotch Expressions Tape - Washi Tape
Ticonderoga Pencils
Cap Erasers
Colored Pencils
Snacks for Kids (Many kids don’t eat except at school).
Clear Tape
Poster Markers
Sidewalk Chalk
Folders without prongs
Clear Page Protectors
Index Cards
Tissue Boxes