Twelve years ago, in a rented theater across town, A Church Called Home was born. The cry of our heart has always been to create a home for those near and far from God. Since the beginning, our goal has been to create a life-giving, Jesus-preaching, people-loving church, where everyone is welcomed. The words, “Welcome Home,” drive everything we do. Over the past decade, we’ve witnessed God do the impossible. From three couples at a dining room table to what you see today. God has been faithful and so have many of you.
We find ourselves in an exciting season, a season in which adding space isn’t simply an idea, it’s a necessity. Currently, we are adding 14,000 square feet, which includes: a new sanctuary, café, conversational spaces, discipleship spaces, and additional parking areas.
We have a construction loan with Home Federal in the amount of $2.5 million. However, to complete this job in its entirety, it will require much more than that. We believe this project can be completed with very little debt. We have received over $500,000 in pledges over the next three years. If we do our best, God will do the rest. Our next Building Campaign Offering is March 23. Thank you for being a part of the story. Together we’re building a house of hope.
- Pastor Jason
Site Plan for Our New Home