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The greatest temptation we face is not to sin but to settle. We reach a goal, finish a project, we get in a groove and suddenly, we get comfortable. It’s human nature right? Scripture says that God created us from the dust of the earth. What does dust have a tendency to do? It settles. We are not settlers! As long as heaven and hell are a reality, we will continue to relentlessly proclaim the message of Jesus. In 100 years, the only thing that will matter is eternity. We will always be expanding, reaching out, adding services, casting vision and asking the question, “Where next?”  


In 2017 we completed phase one of our Strawberry Plains renovation. A location that now appraises for well over $1 million that we owe only $350,000 on. Our Grace Campus assisted 635 families, 1,765 people by providing them with groceries. Over 100 of those individuals came to Christ in one of our Grace Services.

We've seen a 30% increase this year on people coming through Growth Track and beginning to serve on our Home Team. We have seen a 12% increase in the number of people participating in groups. Over the past six months our income has grown by 17%.

During one month of 2017, we averaged 430 in weekly attendance. During our least attended month, we averaged 367. Because of your generosity, we have planted churches through ARC, helped hurricane victims, supplied children with backpacks and school supplies, adopted families for Christmas, helped retired pastors in need and most importantly, every week, more and more people come to Christ as we gather together. 



God always finishes what He starts and together, He will enable us to finish what we started at our Strawberry Plains location. It’s not everyday someone drops 6 acres and 12,000 square feet in your lap. Together we’ve turned our Strawberry Plains location into a beautful place for people to gather and worship. The next phase of construction will be developing the site. Here's a list of items needed to accomplish that along with the cost of each:


The new sign ($10,000)

Excavation work and parking lot base ($10,000)

Pavement ($65,000)

Lighting for our parking area ($7,000)

If you would like to make a donation toward the next phase of construction, you can do so in the link below. Thank you for your generousity!


Contact |  Tel: 1-865-643-8900

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